Wednesday, February 2, 2011

After 1 month the status IS....

Well There is still a huge inward battle going on within me. :( Its so hard to go from one way to the complete opposite. And not go crazy at the same time. My brain is too full, and its trying to muddle through all this information sometimes I think when I touch my head, its going to feel like one of those burnt out motors - VERY HOT! But at the same time, the differences I see in my kids everyday, make it all worth it.

So its been 1 month:

Ive lost 10lbs
sleeping better
more energy
less tired
I FEEL better about the future
Deacon's poops are SOOO much better!!
Joe is feeling alot better too!

and to tell the truth, its less expensive and a little bit more time. Thats it.

It takes me once a week about 1 hour to make milk and cheese. (thats actual work)
Instead of taking me 15-20min to make lunch (or toxic chemicals that seem like lunch) it takes me 30min
breakfast is always either: eggs, apple 'porridge', or oatmeal (10min)
cutting up veggies is probably the most time consuming, (30min a day) thats for lunch and dinner put together. But I do have my Pampered chef chopper thing and soon to switch to Tupperwares new choppy thing.
More dishes! (plus for some reason I have decided that I dont like buying dish washing detergent, so I hand-wash them all)

When I tell other moms what Im doing, there 1st reaction is to feel 'guilty'?? and try and tell me a number of excuses as to why they arnt doing it too.. which to me is weird. I have felt a calling to make my family and my own lives better by spending MORe tiem prepping. Instead of buying everything packaged and just cooking it (like I used to). If you dont think thats something for you or your family, thats cool. Whatever its not my business. :) But I think God has had me do this, maybe to show people that this crazy, (INSANELY) busy young mom, who has her own booming business from home and REALLY isnt a good housewife, can do it, then ANYBODY can do it, WITH EASE! lol...

1st excuse:

Im too busy.
ok. This is the thing. Im doing things the most inefficient EVER. By cutting and prepping before each meal, total waste of time. If I was more efficient, I would spend an hour or two one day a week, PREPPING! Even making all the lunches for the week. It would be SOO easy! Plus dinner planning?? Oh wow....
So lets say your making Kraft Dinner, takes 5min for water to boil. You mix it all together taking a total of 15-20min (if you throw in hot dogs... lol) Instead, you COULD make a huge casserole on Sunday, with like potatoes, almond milk, VEGGIES, chicken even, and Almond cheese on top. MMMmmmmm!! Soooo good. Takes EVEN less time!!

Its too expensive.
ok, buying processed food, is WAY expensive. We used to spend $150-$200 a week on food. BASICS! So now we are spending $75-$100 a week on only fruits, veggies and meat. (including almonds, oats and eggs!) The only thing its expensive with is your time.

What good am I really doing?

This is an article on Cheese and Mr. Kraft himself. What did he do TO cheese to go from 1 person consuming 3lbs of cheese to 30lbs of cheese?

So I urge you to go into your cupboards, look at the ingredients on your food, and GOOGLE it. You will see what you are really feeding your kids and eating yourself. Oh, and by the way... the Europeans are WAY ahead of us, look at what THEY are banning....