Thursday, January 12, 2012

What to do What to do....

I'm sitting here and after not writing for so long, my mind is exploding with ideas on topics, but I cant pick one. I write a line, and then delete it. That one can stay now. Phew. Hmmmm..... school.
So after having 4 kids, I am thinking into the future and wondering what am I going to do? I can be a stay-at-home mom, and struggle to pay bills every month. Or I can go back to work now. Or I can go back to work when the kids are in school. I think I have decided to wait until they are all in school full-time. I do Spas right now in my spare time (har Har!) and I love them, and I will for sure continue doing them, but I have other passions I'm discovering right now that I am thinking about exploring.

Therapy - I LOVE a good mystery and theres no bigger mystery than our minds. I am constantly having to 'help' my friends and family (not by them asking) to fix some problem in their head. It feels like a puzzle to me. Like if this piece fits here, this one might go here? I am thinking about becoming a therapist. but I'm worried that if I do it for a living it will take the fun out of it.

Business Advertising - Something else I have discovered, I love thinking of ways to help small businesses get customers. I have TONNES of ideas... I actually cant help but think of more ideas. It wakes me up at night. I would like to do this, even for direct sales ladies. :)

Plumbing - I am already a journeyman, Ive done the work, I like it. I have lots of room to grow and I have lots of avenues to do it on. With 14 plumbers in my family, I wont be walking on untended ground, but why does that matter? My husband does it and I'm not sure about working with him, but its definitely a choice.

I know these have NOTHING to do with each other, but I think each one has a different feeling for me and I would enjoy doing all of them.

Just what Ive been thinking about... :)


What do you think I would be best at and like the most???