Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My love, my life and my bestest friend.

Joe. The name alone is enough to stop my heart. LOL. No Im serious! Ok, I did this is the wrong order. But Joe is a very important part of my life. We met at a job site called "Time" in North Van. I knew him as an ass first. I asked him one time to help me carry something to the 14th floor (stairs - its weird because when your helping BUILD the building the elevator doesn't work when you need it to the most, like when you need to carry a whole lot of stuff to the roof. Sucks I know...) and he was like, "No, do it yourself". I was so not used to that. My dad would sometimes ask me to do something, walk around the corner, come back and some dude is doing it FOR ME. It totally went against his whole, "If you dont do it yourself nobody else is going to do it for you", motto thing. It wasnt ever anything big, just like typically someone lugging stuff for me. This on funny morning, my GF Elyse and I were on the roof preparing for a pour (when they pour concrete on top of the things that are going to be in the floor - sounds silly, I know.) and our friend (this guy that worked there), came up the stairs and met my dad in the staircase bringing us each a coffee. My dad just thought we were ridiculous. Anywho, Joe. Right. Kinda an ass, but really cute. Then one day he asked me to a birthday party at Roosters. My dad found out that I was "dating" a guy on site, and he blew up on me, asking, "Can't you find guys anywhere else?" So we planned a dad and daughter night for the same night as the Roosters night. So we went to a movie together, went home and I snuck out. I got there at like 11pm and Joe thought I wasn't coming so he was drunk. Lets just say, I snuck out all for nothing. I wrote him off and cont on my way. He however became obsessed with me and I had to have the whole, "We should just be friends" line. A week and a half later we kissed. So that was in April and we got engaged on Dec 17th. It was awesome dating Joe, finding out all these little things about him, like how EVERYBODY thinks that hes an angry person because he glares at them. But in reality he just cant see and hes thinking. Funny. Anyway we got engaged and then we got married on Sept 2, 2005. To this day I feel like I just fell for him. Hes so funny and sweet...

Love and hope
The cry of my soul
The want of you
I see
I need your kisses
I know you'll
Never leave me
But still
I cry
The thought
Of no more you
Kills me
The love
Fills my heart
Overflows into
My limbs
And I fall
But your arms
Catch me and
I love...

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