Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The last little while.

So, how to start?

Since I'm pregnant, I have to go back to work. Well, I have to if I want to get a year of free money. I like money, so back to work I go! I originally was supposed to go back April 1st. But because of Deacon's recent hospital stay we decided to postpone it for 3 months until he gained a bunch of weight. With this recent news, we have decided that I will go back to work June 1st. In the last month Deacon has gained 3 lbs so we are very happy with his progress and are okay with me going back. I'm apprehensive about going back. I'm excited about something different. But I'm very nervous about leaving my boys (of course!). I was very happy knowing that my good friend Kori (who has looked after my kids for quite awhile), was willing to take them still. Then she told me that she wouldn't be able to. Her hubby is going to camp and the extra stress is not okay. So here I was without someone who I trusted to look after my kids. It was very upsetting and stressful. I don't blame her or anything it was just a bad situation. I can't have just anyone look after them. Riley is not a problem, a little aggressive but not a problem. Deacon can actually be termed handicapped, so just the price alone would have killed us. Plus I couldn't just leave THEM with anybody. I would think about their well being constantly at work. Is she changing Deacon enough? Is she feeding them proper food? Is she disciplining them the way I want her too? ARG!!! So then I asked my little sister who works at White Spot if she would be willing to look after them for 4 1/2 months. And she said YES!! Yaa!! I completely trust her and she will totally listen to what I want. Now I feel a little better about going back. :)

So I call Bartle and Gibson where I "work" and explain whats going on to them. They say sure come back we would love to have you! It was kinda known that they would have to lay me off sometime this year. They originally hired me while I was pregnant with Riley. Knowing that I would be on Maternity Leave soon. Then I came back when Riley was 8 months old while I was pregnant with Deacon. Again I worked for around 4 1/2 months and then went on Mat Leave again. I know silly. But I worked there just as overflow. They needed someone for Quotations, I went there for a few months. Then I went into Inside Sales for a few months. Wherever they needed me I went. So I had a conversation with my boss just before I was supposed to come back originally where he asked if we were planning on having more kids. He asked me that right after I asked him if they would have to lay me off later this year. It answers itself. lol. So when I called them last week, my boss told me that they couldn't guarantee to have me working there for the full 4 1/2 months. POW! Crap! That's not good. So we will see what happens... (play suspenseful music here)
Onto more happy news, My good friend Amanda had a little (meaning BIG) baby boy yesterday! He weighs 9lbs 6ozs!!! Congrats!!
I also found out that M, A, J, K and ME are ALL due in November! That's not including my cousin Nicole who is due in Oct! WOW!!! baby s are everywhere!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Im Expecting a very special package!!!

Well I found out that I'm pregnant.

That statement alone is enough to scare the shit out of me. Its not that I don't WANT another child. Im sooo excited for another one! But, right now when we are discussing Deacon and how hard it is going to be, its upsetting to hear that I'm having a child that could possibly have HD as well. I'm moving forward only because I've been through it, know what to expect, and I'm okay with it. Another hard thing to deal with is everybody else telling me I should'nt have another one right now. How is that your choice? Joe and I are the ones at home with them. We're the ones nurturing them and teaching them. Its just really annoying that a perfect stranger or even someone that knows me really well would say that to me. ARG!

On another note, we are going up to Oliver this Easter weekend! We're going up for my BIL Alex's competition. Plus I really need a haircut! Joe's cousin that lives in Kelowna is an amazing hairdresser. I wish she had never done my hair because now I compare everybody to her. LOL! Its like having a crush on a really hot guy!

Anyway, please visit my blog about Deacon, I need as many people as possible to comment and visit so that it will turn up in Google searches. Thanks!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The start of soo much more.

So yesterday I thought about how to fix the problem. How do I go about getting better? A suggested that I see my dr. and maybe get medication. A different A told me that I would spend weeks trying to get the right thing and I would be void of all feeling. So I instead decided that helping other people makes me feel better soooo. Hmmmm... how can I help others?

Well my Dad's been pushing me to find a support group that deals with Hirschsprung's. I CAN"T FIND ONE! I search and search and I find maybe 3 and of those 3 none of them have more comments than 6. I need more. So he suggested making my own! I was like no. Thats not going to work. Than I started to think.

So now I have launched Its a look inside Deacon and his illness. Im hoping that it will become a place for "experienced" parents to help new HD moms to figure out whats best for their child. Ive messaged 3 other blog parents I've found in hopes that they will help me out with their expertise. I only know what has and hasn't worked for Deacon a long segment baby. I've researched a little about short segment but Im no where near a mom who deals with it on a day to day basis. I would LOVE it if you could go there and send everybody you know there and comment so that it would turn up in google searches! Thanks guys!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The end of the line.

So, I havent been feeling like myself recently. Ive told a few people that I feel depressed. I feel sad all the time, I dont want to do anything, and I cry ... alot. Its hard.

So this is what I have figured out so far.
With all of Deacon's past surgeries after the fact I can pretend that he's fine. When someone asks me how he is, I reply, "great!" And I push all my feelings and thoughts and fears to the back fo my mind. I know now that if I had been honest with everybody I would be breaking down all the time. So it was like a survival thing. I just kept thinknig as soon as he has his last surgery he will be just like every other little boy. Which as we now know, is false. He will always be different. Yes my son is going to have alot of trouble potty training. Yes we are going to have to make a special diet for him. My Dad told me this morning that I have to start thinkning of him as handicapped. The reason fdor that is that when I will be thinking like that I will be way more open to see his problems. But thats hard. Handicapped? Are you sure? So for the last 2 weeks, Ive been trying to deal, the best I can, and its not working. IM DEPRESSED!!!! All I think about all day long is the mistakes Ive made and how scared I am to make more. Thats not me. I told my Dad last night that I wished that Deacon could just live inside me, that way I could protect him forever. I DONT feel that way about Riley. Riley I love to see him trying new things and falling. To me that means that he is learning and becoming stronger. But with D its hard because its like hes sitting on a teeter totter. Barely staying on.
So I just thought that you would like to know whats been going on with me. Suckyness. I have decided that I want to start a blog just for D and for other parents who are going through the same things. Like what to feed him and how to make him grow.

On a happier note, Deacon now weighs 15 lbs!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

this is Monday morning.
Same time.

This is Tuesday morning. Grey
This is in the hospital

This is my skinny little man.

Well, Im so excited!! I just found out (last) that my cousin Nicole is expecting!

Now that Ive said that...

The last week had been a gong show. I started off the week with all sorts of fun and interesting things that we were going to do. Being that it was my 2nd to last week before I went back to work and all. I started each day with a long list of things that needed and wanted to be done. Sunday was pretty interesting, we went to church where Deacon threw up all over the pew chairs. It was quite embarrassing and I told him to not repeat it. He was acting strange and listless. I decided to take him to the dr. As it was my little bro's birthday party at my parents. I went to the clinic with little D and Joe took Ry to their house. I thought it was probably the flu and he told me that yes it was. Not a big deal, just to give him gravol and feed him Pedialyte. If he was worse after 48hrs to take him again to the dr.s. We didnt think much of it. We cont on to mom and dad's and had a great time! Monday, he was better, a little. Or so I thought. I noticed that he was losing abit of weight. He hadn't thrown up since the day before. I had to phone and cancel all my appy's for that day. He was still eating abit and he was sleeping alot! I thought I would wait until Tuesday to see how he was. Tuesday morning I woke up and he was grey. Grey. Grey with blue lips and marbled legs and arms. GREY!!! I was terrified. But I didnt want to be that crazy mom who was bringing in her baby over the smallest thing. So I called my mom and my mum. Both of whom were practically yelling for me to take him to the ER. Ok... my fears are right. So I called his surgeon in Children's and told the secretary what was going on. She told me she was going to page Dr. Webber to call me back. I said that's fine but I'm leaving in a few to bring him there anyways. She told me great he'll be waiting for you. So I dropped off Ry at Sara's and hightailed it to the ER. It was the shortest wait ever! As soon as I stepped into that hospital we were rushed into a room, told to undress and then the staring started. He was SOOO skinny. I didn't even realize how skinny he was! His ribs were showing! I then witnessed the lying of the nurses and Dr.'s beginning. He looked like I had starved him for weeks! Or even months! Not that he had had the flu for 2 DAYS!! Anyway, finally a Dr. who believed me came and started an IV. In an hour they pumped 120mils into his little body! It wasn't until 3 days later when Dr. Rothstein told me that his kidneys were VERY close to failure and that HE WAS CLOSE TO DYING!!! That I finally knew how close we had come. We now know that if Deacon ever gets sick he is to be brought to Children's immediately! That includes vomiting 2 x, fever, lethargy, and or diarrhea. That's a scary thing. To be told that your child cant make it through a simple flu. All in all, it was a pretty scary week. Ive been told that there is not lasting effects from it. Thats nice. Plus we got connected with a gastrointestinal dr. that will help us help him gain weight!! I just weighed him and he is 14lbs!! So I just thought you should know...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Its been awhile...

So I came back from Texas last monday. It was awesome! I had so much fun! Auntie Lori and I went exploring around Dallas for 2 days and I got to know alot more about her. We went to the really high end mall and then we treked for 2 hours to find a Walmart. So many inside jokes! My fav and Im sure its hers as well is: "Run Jack Asss RUN!!" Anyway... the meetings were so inspiring and made me want to tell everybody about BeautiControl!! But I know that some people are getting tired of me talking about BC. I get it, I would get upset as well if someone I knew was talking none stop about their job.
Last week was Ry's bday as well! He's 2 now. I forgot my camera on the plane so no pics... :( It really upsets me that I have no pics of his bday and his party. Hes so big now. I just bought him a bunch of clothes because hes 2 now, he is already too big for most of them. ARG!
I go back to work in 3 weeks. Thats pretty scary. Got to tell you. But I am excited to get dressed in nice clothes every morning.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I just wanted to post the poem in the card Joe gave me from v-day.

From Carlton Cards...

For my wonderful wife
A Valentine's poem
For telling me quite bluntly
When my clothing looks absurd...
And helping me dress tastefully
Instead of like a nerd...
For never really minding
When Im hogging the remote...
And when Im channel surfing
Never reaching for my throat...
For listening when I babble
Bout the problems where I work-
And never saying things like,
"Knock it off, you whiny jerk!"
For seeing to it that I try
To eat some healthy food...
And finding me attractive
Even though you've seen me nude...
For all of this and every other
Little thing you do...
I couldnt be more grateful
That the wife I got is you!!!

Isnt that sweet???

Monday, February 16, 2009

So Im leaving in a week to go to Dallas! Ive never been and Im very excited! But whenever "Mom" leaves, things have to change. Ive got 3 different people looking after Deek and Ry. It was very hard to ask these people, who in the recent months have taken Ry and or Deek at a moments notice, to again give up whatever they were going to be doing to watch my children. Plus they have to be there when Joe leaves at 5am. So its another thing to be concerned about.
Deacon. Well, he has quite bad diaper rash from his newly found poo. It was really bad, so I took him to the dr and started putting Nyastatin on it. Then it got alot better, but now it looks different. So back to the dr AGAIN. I also have to go to the dr for Deacon for another reason. I noticed about 4 days ago that he is almost 9 months old and he still has like 7 naps a day. Thats weird. He is usually only up for like an hour between sleeping. He is crawling but cries to be held quite recently. I took both Deacon and Riley to Dr. Wallace today and it went great! She told me Ry was bad but Deacon's back was really bad! So she fixed it and then told me he would have changes. We got home, I put D down in the living room, ran around to go to the bathroom and he crawled into the bathroom!!! Its like 20 feet! He has NEVER crawled that far! He did it like 7 times today! It made me feel great but also bad because he must have been in alot of pain. He is getting older super fast! He has started pulling himself up and walking around stuff!

Plastic Faces
All numeric
Walking walking
Smiling there
Hating here
Whatever do you mean?

Saturday, February 14, 2009


So far so good! Today has been a very tired but good day! Deacon woke up last night at 4am and I havent really gone back to sleep yet. Riley woke up and all he talked about was Daddy. Its like he knows that certain days Daddy stays home from work. Today though Joe had to go in for a little while. When Joe got home, Riley went outside naked to help Daddy unload wood. He was running around screaming, "Yook Daddy!!!!" He also had "Mador" and "mak" stickers on his hands and kept showing Joe. This brings up the funny story of Matt's birthday party at the Keg. Ry was sitting up against the wall beside a picture (taken probably around 1915) of two trains that had crashed into each other. Half-way into our meal someone pointed it out to Ry. He was speechless for about 10 seconds. Then he proceeded to say to Joe, " YOOK DADDY YOOK!!! TRAIN!! BROKEN TRAIN!!! DADDY YOOK!!!" So Joe yooked. As he turned his head away from the picture, Riley would start up again. This went on for about 10 min until I asked him WHO broke the train. Then he started saying to joe, "DADDY YOOK!!! TRAIN BROKEN!! DADDY BROKE WITH A HAMMER!!! YOOK!!!" For about another 10 min until Joe glared at me and told me we were going home. Very funny. So Ry was in the back of Uncle Mattchu's truck with Daddy helping him throw wood - Naked. He kept looking in the front of the truck and saying, "Mattchu!" and Joe would tell him, "Yes Daddy borrowed Uncle Matthew's truck." Over and over again. We all went inside after all the wood was put away... LOL. Joe then gave me flowers! Hes so sweet. I tried to get Ry to say Happy Birthday Daddy. But whenever I said that he would say, " No happy birthday daddy, Happy birthday Uncle Mattchu!!!" Finally I explained to him that soon Mommy, Deacon AND Riley will have a day that its their "Happy Birthday's". That did it. "Ok Mommy. Happy Birthday Daddy!"
I had alot of fun last night at my brother Phil's Spa. It was halarious to see Brian "washing" his face. In other words, rubbing it in his hair, eyes, eyebrows and all over with the palms of his hands! They really had fun, though!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Finally I can talk about my day...

Enough about the past... Today was a very hectic day. I woke up, sorry was WOKEN up yet again, by Ry like I am everyday. I knew that we were going to his playgroup's v-day party. I couldnt wake Deek up because I also knew I had to go other places after that, so no nappy for him! We finally got out the door at quarter to 10. The party was super sweet! Ry actaully told Nicca to " STOP IT NICCA!!", along with Ryder. He also got "timed out" 5 x in a row.. silly boy. After the party was over we went to Staples. Riley was so good in the store that I bought him a big colouring pad with "cars" as the theme as well as Thomas stickers. We get in the car and I put a sticker on his hand of "Percy" one of Thomas's friends. I always get a kick out of the crazy way sometimes he says things. He started calling him "pussy". Mommy, I love pussy. Mommy Yook(look) Pussy!!! Yes baby, PERCY. Mommy I like pussy. On and on it went about the pussy. Then he stuck the pussy on hin chin and it was, "Mommy!! Where did pussy go?!?" It took everything I had no to laugh.

Words Ry says:

Truck = cock

muffin = noffin

percy = pussy

Yook = look

kumon = come on

biggles = the wiggles

I yuv you = I love you

All in all even I get confused about what hes saying!! LOL!

Words he says right:


why not




no night night time




I miss you...

the list goes on and on...

Joes b-day is tomorrow, yes v-day is his b-day. I have planned for us to go to a movie and dinner. I really hope he likes it... :)




The sands

Of time


My passion... well you knew I was going to mention it someday!!

So I like passion. I have a chinese symbol on my hip that means "passion". For those peps that know me, which lets face it is all 3 of you! LOL! Know that Im not boring or passive. I have a great skill at having my brain working ALL the time. I know it dosne t seem like it all the time, and it probably isnt what Im supposted to be thinking about. But... its true. Focus Megan... Ok sorry. I finished High School but it was hard. Im not very good at "school". Classrooms and the such just dont do it for me. I got maybe a C in all my subjects. So after High School, I have no clue what I wanted to do. Photography was a passion of mine and I went to BCIT for a little class, but it just didnt pan out. My dad finally hired me out of pity and I started off slow. First I helped organize the shop. I soon discovered that "organizing" also itsnt my "thing". Then he brought me to a mini job site, where I just was the first aid person but also his SLAVE. Or so I felt. I would do odd jobs around... well where ever! (on a side note, we had a guard dog there named Pebbles and he was quite unfriendly. One day he "got off" his leash and took off toward this greyhound. Who was being walked by a young gentleman. He took 2 huge chunks out of this dogs hind quarters before I got there to haul his away. I appoligized to the man and he took off. I was sweating bullets because I knew he could sue me! The next day the young man came back. I said I was sorry again and asked how the dog was. He told me that Pebbles actually bit him as well and they both were ok. I asked if there was anything I could do and he proceeded to ask me out. Weird I know.) Anyway, I hated it! Then he started a new job in North Van, I went out there once a week and cleaned their trailer. Then slowly I started to work "on site". I worked for him for 5 years total. Around year 3 I started to feel actually like I was doing something right and by year 5 I was loving it! I had to stop because of my babies and I will probably never do it again. But in Sept my aunt introduced me to BeautiControl. She had never signed anyone up and I kept bugging her, so one day I just signed myself up! From the get go, I loved everything! I had gotten used to nothing ever doing what it tells you it will. My closet is filled with probably $1000 worth of crap stuff. Im going full bore ahead and hoping to become a director by the end of this year!
So I just got back from a fast lane leadership meeting. I loved it! Everytime anyone lets me talk about BeautiControl, I get outta hand! I shared all my ideas with everyone and they all listened! I feel bad sometimes because people think Im trying to gimmic them into something, when in reality Im just trying to help them reach their dreams. I just wanted to introduce you to my other love.

BeautiControl beauticontrol
How you love?
With your instant manicure
and above.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My first Rant...

Well not EVER but here I guess. Deacon is such a happy easygoing little baby. But its a little annoying when we go out and EVERBODY thinks that he is like 3 months old. We weighed him today(his 8 1/2 month birthday, LOL) and he weighs 13 lbs. Thats awsome! He weighed 12 lbs when he was 4months old! He stayed that weight until 3 weeks ago when he had his last surgery. He has finally started gaining! I guess people dont know how hurtful it is when they proceed to tell you stories of how HUGE their child was. Its funny because Riley was a big boy and wherever I went I would tell everybody how big he was. I never knew until now how maybe I was hurting their feelings. Or maybe Im just sensitive. Its like when your pregnant and EVERYBODY loves to come up to you and tell you how HUGE you are! Its like, "Ya, thanks I dont have a mirror at home." Hello people! We know!

Sorry. Got carried away...

The Juthers (Judging mothers)

Every word
That flies like an arrow
Pierces into my self-esteem
The judges
Are judged
By the judging
Its all too much to bear...

My love, my life and my bestest friend.

Joe. The name alone is enough to stop my heart. LOL. No Im serious! Ok, I did this is the wrong order. But Joe is a very important part of my life. We met at a job site called "Time" in North Van. I knew him as an ass first. I asked him one time to help me carry something to the 14th floor (stairs - its weird because when your helping BUILD the building the elevator doesn't work when you need it to the most, like when you need to carry a whole lot of stuff to the roof. Sucks I know...) and he was like, "No, do it yourself". I was so not used to that. My dad would sometimes ask me to do something, walk around the corner, come back and some dude is doing it FOR ME. It totally went against his whole, "If you dont do it yourself nobody else is going to do it for you", motto thing. It wasnt ever anything big, just like typically someone lugging stuff for me. This on funny morning, my GF Elyse and I were on the roof preparing for a pour (when they pour concrete on top of the things that are going to be in the floor - sounds silly, I know.) and our friend (this guy that worked there), came up the stairs and met my dad in the staircase bringing us each a coffee. My dad just thought we were ridiculous. Anywho, Joe. Right. Kinda an ass, but really cute. Then one day he asked me to a birthday party at Roosters. My dad found out that I was "dating" a guy on site, and he blew up on me, asking, "Can't you find guys anywhere else?" So we planned a dad and daughter night for the same night as the Roosters night. So we went to a movie together, went home and I snuck out. I got there at like 11pm and Joe thought I wasn't coming so he was drunk. Lets just say, I snuck out all for nothing. I wrote him off and cont on my way. He however became obsessed with me and I had to have the whole, "We should just be friends" line. A week and a half later we kissed. So that was in April and we got engaged on Dec 17th. It was awesome dating Joe, finding out all these little things about him, like how EVERYBODY thinks that hes an angry person because he glares at them. But in reality he just cant see and hes thinking. Funny. Anyway we got engaged and then we got married on Sept 2, 2005. To this day I feel like I just fell for him. Hes so funny and sweet...

Love and hope
The cry of my soul
The want of you
I see
I need your kisses
I know you'll
Never leave me
But still
I cry
The thought
Of no more you
Kills me
The love
Fills my heart
Overflows into
My limbs
And I fall
But your arms
Catch me and
I love...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Deacon Kail Oliver

Well, when Riley was 4 months old, we decided that we should start trying again to have another. I think one of the big "mistakes" people make when they want to have another is that they think it will take the same amount of time(around) to get pregnant again. Well it took 6 months for Ry so we thought if we start now we might get pregnant by the time Ry is 1! So we went up to Joes uncle and aunts place up in OLIVER. hint hint... So this time no decorating but it was our anniversary! So the first month we tried... it worked!! LOL! So now here I am 4 weeks pregnant with a 5 month old. Fun! right. So I had to go back to work early, when Riley was 8 months old. So that I could collect mat leave again for Deacon. I worked for 4 months. It was fun I enjoy it. Went on mat leave right before we bought our first home! On April 1st we moved into our beautiful house! Deacon's pregnancy was pretty uneventful, no ambulance drives, no fainting. It was great! But at the 38 week mark the midwife again thought that maybe he was breech. So they got me in to see Dr. Lampen just in case I had to have a c-section again. He asked me if I would like for him to turn the baby. For some reason I said no, I felt really strong about it. When I was 38 weeks and 3 days they thought that he had turned again. So into the hospital, more ultrasounds and suprise suprise! Hes breech! Again he asked me if I would like for him to turn the baby (meaning pushing on the outside of my belly trying to turn the baby, there is a risk of uterus rupture but he told me a small one) I again said no. So we scheduled another c-section for that day. Deacon was born at 7:45pm on May 23rd, 7lbs 12oz, 21 inches long. He was also perfect! Very light complection and blondy red hair! So I breastfed him that night 3 times, the last being at 4am. He was doing great! I fell asleep and awoke to a sleeping baby - awesome! So time went on that day and Deacon was still not hungry or pooping. Nobody was concerned. Dorothy my MIL was MIA in Alberta, I gave her quick calls all day to fill her in. Now we knew before we had any kids that Joe has a disease called Hirschsprungs, meaning that the ganglion nerves are missing in parts of the colon and small intestines. Which means that they stay closed not allowing any poo to get through. Also meaning that they are always full until the BM goes sour, then they throw it up. So this was a big sign to me - not feeding, no poos, distended tummy, and very lethargic. I started to tell the nurses that something was wrong with my baby. Nobody listened. I get it, probably everybody who has a baby thinks at one point that they have a deadly disease. But in my case - I was right. They finally called Dr. Hewes and she said she would be in the next day to see him ( it was 9pm - 17 hours since his last meal.) Then she got called in anyway to a birthing. So she came up to see him and take X-rays and a blood test. The X-ray showed great loops of distended intestines and then little tiny ones. Hirschsprungs. They transferred us out the Children's Hospital at 4am. Over the next week he ate nothing, but had saline in his IV. At a week old he had a biopsy done to determine once and for all if he had it. The first came back inconclusive. So they had another one done and this time it was positive. So his first surgery was scheduled for June 4th. They were going to go in and determine if he had short segment (only a short piece usually ending in his colon) or long segment(meaning he would have to have a colostomy bag and then another surgery later to hook him back up). They told us it would be anywhere from 20 min to 4 hours. It was 5. They came out and told us yes it was long and it was in the whole colon and about a foot of his small intestines. He would have to have an iliostomy bag and another surgery. He took about 1 and a half weeks to recover and be on full feeds. So on June 20th we took him home. He was 7lbs 12 ozs. After he was home I went in to get a scan to see what was up with my uterus. In the end we founf out the reason both my babies were breech is because I have a dual chambered uterus. It means that I have almost 2 seperate uteruses. There was not enough room for them head down, so its a good thing that he didnt turn him because he probably would have ruptured it. Over the next few months he did pretty good! He gained 5 lbs! But he was always under the scale of typical babies. When he was 5 months old and in early Nov he went through what was supposted to be his last surgery. After again 5 hours then came out and told us there were complications and that he would have to have a bag on the opposite side for a while longer. They did reconstructive surgery on most of his small intestines, cutting them in half and sewing them to old parts of his colon they had saved. His problem why he wasn't gaining was that he didn't have his colon which takes all the salt and water out of your food. You cant gain weight without salt. So then we had to wait. We took him to Mexico on Jan 5th and he had soo much fun! Then we came back on the 12th and his last surgery was on the 16th. He went in and had an hour long surgery just to hook him back up! Then surgery in Nov was 5 hours long and he was in the hospital for 6 days. This last surgery in Jan was an hour long and he was in the hospital for 8 days. Hes an excellent healer but as soon as you touch his bowels hes knocked on his ass. The poor child had never before felt gas! He writhed on his bed for days and screamed. The drs all thought something had gone terribly wrong! They sent him for X-ray after X-ray, thinking that his poo was filling his abdominal cavity. Nope. Just gas! Phew! So we left the hospital 1 kilo heavier than when we came in and he still only weighed 14lbs at 8 months old. He lost all the water weight and were hoping that because of this last surgery that he will be able to put on more weight. He now weighs 12lbs 2ozs. But he doesn't look sick or starving ( which someone told me just recently I was doing to him). Hes just small for his age!

It hurts
To see you lying there
So small and frail
Tiny as all
Poked all over
Bruised and battered
My little panda
Where have you gone?
Where is your smile?
So big like mine
Its lost within
The stiches
That line my mind
It hurts...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Riley Matteo Canyon

Well I thought I would take each of my sons and do a little blurb on them. Riley. We got pregnant with Riley on June 15th 2006. At our family ranch in Ashcroft, named Black Canyon Ranch. We were preparing for my brothers wedding, not by having sex, but by helping decorate. We had a break, obvously, and went for a walk... ok sorry this is too much info. I get it. Anyway, My pregnancy went pretty good. I realized that my bones like to pop out of joint ALOT while being pregnant. I think 6 different bones popped out at least 20x each. My rib, pelvis, hips, knee... ect. I fainted twice. Once I had to be driven to the hospital in an ambulance. Fun... really. He was perfect, head down the entire pregnancy. Until I went in to see my midwife on my 40 weeks due date. She tried to check to see if he was head down and was unsure. Finally she said he was but his head was not "engaged", meaning down inside the "birthing canal". Gross I know. Anyway she sent me to the hospital to have an ultrasound. The ultrasound was inclunclusive, Silly... So a doctor came, "felt around" and dicovered that he was head down, feet first! So I had a c-section. That day a few hours later. Never went into labour, nothing. He was born at 5:15pm on March 5th 2007. Weighing 8lbs 3 oz, 21 1/2 inches long. Perfect. He was born with a full head of black hair, and quite a dark complection.
Well almost 2 years later and hes definatley keeping me on my toes! He talks a mile a minute about everything, swims like crazy and we're just starting on potty training. So Im sure you will hear MUCH more about him as the days come on.
My heart tip toes
Across a tight rope
Tetters on a totter
I reach out to steady it
Giggles fill the air
Up and down
Bouncy bouncy bouncy
His smile is all I see
My soul guides him to the strings
That hold me together
And he pulls with all his might
"Uppy Mommy uppy"
I swing him around again
There is nothing I can do
But pray he finds the ground
I know he will find his ground.
My button forever
My heart always...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Let me tell you a little about myself.

Im 25, married for 3 years with 2 boys. I met my husband Joe at a construction site in early 2004. We started dating in April and got engaged in December that year. We got married on Sept 2 /2005. We had our first son, Riley Matteo Canyon on March 5th / 2007. We had our second son, Deacon Kail Oliver on May 23rd / 2008. Next month Riley will be 2 and Deacon is 8 months old.

My greatest success is getting my journeyman plumbing ticket. I worked for my dad for 5 years and after 3 I actually started to like it. I think I like it so much because I can do it. I can see in my mind what needs to be done and then I can do it! I would love to go back and do it again, but Joe's not too keen on that. I stopped plumbing in the summer of 2006, being pregnant kinda put a damper on lifting a toilet to install it. I started working for a plumbing wholesaler on Sept 11 / 2006. I like it, but we need something a little extra to help us through each month now. So I started selling BeautiControl on Sept 11 / 2008. I love it! It gives me the same feeling as plumbing. I know thats silly, but thats the way it is! I can actually see what I want to do and then totally do it!

I have quite a large fam damily. With 4 siblings I grew up loving a big family. Now I have 2, my sister Sara has 2 ( also boys!), and my brother Matt ( married to Christa) has a little girl - Sophia! So thats 5 grand babies! Yaaa!! My mom and dad are sooo loving it! Plus they are all grouped together, so when they grow up they can play together. :)

When I was younger I loved to write poetry... some of it not so good, but it helped me deal with anything that came up. So I thought it would be a good time to start writing again. Im going to send off each post - hopefully - with a poem. Either from back then or written that day. So heres my first:

Melting Into Love
I feel like your apart of me
Like we're all tied up somehow
Inside and out
Within our souls
A kiss lengthens the soul
Becomes it
The strings that tie us
When we're together
I feel more like myself
There is no ride
It just is
You take a piece of me
Wherever you go
We fall
Pieces mismatched
To form one puzzle
Of the we
That was
Together meshed
Where does one end
And the other start?



Friday, February 6, 2009

Well... Here goes nothing...


My name is Megan. I have decided to start my own trek into the "Blog" world. My sister Sara and my sis-in-law Christa both have theirs and I have for quite a while stood on the sidelines. Its not quite my "thing" as many of you might know. :) The reason I have waited this long to venture out in this fashion is because I am terrified. There I said it. Terrified. Terrified of writing. I have never written anything ( except for a report in plumbing school that I got 95%, but I guess because its plumbing school...) that Ive been proud of, or even ok with. So heres my big step into... nothing.