So, how to start?
Since I'm pregnant, I have to go back to work. Well, I have to if I want to get a year of free money. I like money, so back to work I go! I originally was supposed to go back April 1st. But because of Deacon's recent hospital stay we decided to postpone it for 3 months until he gained a bunch of weight. With this recent news, we have decided that I will go back to work June 1st. In the last month Deacon has gained 3 lbs so we are very happy with his progress and are okay with me going back. I'm apprehensive about going back. I'm excited about something different. But I'm very nervous about leaving my boys (of course!). I was very happy knowing that my good friend Kori (who has looked after my kids for quite awhile), was willing to take them still. Then she told me that she wouldn't be able to. Her hubby is going to camp and the extra stress is not okay. So here I was without someone who I trusted to look after my kids. It was very upsetting and stressful. I don't blame her or anything it was just a bad situation. I can't have just anyone look after them. Riley is not a problem, a little aggressive but not a problem. Deacon can actually be termed handicapped, so just the price alone would have killed us. Plus I couldn't just leave THEM with anybody. I would think about their well being constantly at work. Is she changing Deacon enough? Is she feeding them proper food? Is she disciplining them the way I want her too? ARG!!! So then I asked my little sister who works at White Spot if she would be willing to look after them for 4 1/2 months. And she said YES!! Yaa!! I completely trust her and she will totally listen to what I want. Now I feel a little better about going back. :)
So I call Bartle and Gibson where I "work" and explain whats going on to them. They say sure come back we would love to have you! It was kinda known that they would have to lay me off sometime this year. They originally hired me while I was pregnant with Riley. Knowing that I would be on Maternity Leave soon. Then I came back when Riley was 8 months old while I was pregnant with Deacon. Again I worked for around 4 1/2 months and then went on Mat Leave again. I know silly. But I worked there just as overflow. They needed someone for Quotations, I went there for a few months. Then I went into Inside Sales for a few months. Wherever they needed me I went. So I had a conversation with my boss just before I was supposed to come back originally where he asked if we were planning on having more kids. He asked me that right after I asked him if they would have to lay me off later this year. It answers itself. lol. So when I called them last week, my boss told me that they couldn't guarantee to have me working there for the full 4 1/2 months. POW! Crap! That's not good. So we will see what happens... (play suspenseful music here)
Onto more happy news, My good friend Amanda had a little (meaning BIG) baby boy yesterday! He weighs 9lbs 6ozs!!! Congrats!!
I also found out that M, A, J, K and ME are ALL due in November! That's not including my cousin Nicole who is due in Oct! WOW!!! baby s are everywhere!